Sacred Writing for Grad Students

Decolonizing Writing Practices in Academia

We can create customized courses & workshops for:

  • Graduate Programs or Departments
  • Faculty & Staff
  • Student Organizations
  • Etc.

Sacred Writing for Grad Students

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What you’ll get from our courses:

  • Decolonial approaches to writing centered in ancestral practices such as ceremony, altars, artwork, etc.
  • Practical tools to establish your personal writing process, timelines and writing styles. 
  • We will explore writing wounds such as perfectionism, imposter syndrome and writers block, working to reconnect to our authentic voice using imagination and intuition.
  • Our goal is to help students navigate grad school and academic writing while maintaining a sense of self, and the confidence to overcome the inevitable obstacles of academia. 

Our inspiration for this work came from our own experiences in grad school, with imposter syndrome and the academic PTSD we were left with. We want to be able to help grad students in the ways we so desperately needed at the time. We want to offer both practical tools to help students navigate the logistics of writing while also assuring mental, emotional and spiritual wholeness in the process. Academia was not built for us, but we will use our ancestral traditions to navigate, and thrive in these spaces nonetheless. We belong here and We ARE our ancestors wildest dreams!

This is an example of a workshop series we can create for graduate students

Inner Child/Imagination

Reconnecting to our authentic writing voice. What inspires our work as academics and as writers? Writing from imagination and intuition. Throwing out the rules of writing. Creating ceremony around writing. Reconnecting to the joy of writing. Connecting to ancestral gifts of writing.

Practical Magical Writing

Exploring our writing process. Warm up writing activities. Art activities. Creativity. Brainstorms. Outlines. Utilizing the energy of the Moon cycles.

Sacred Writing

Writing to Our Ancestors- Writing as healing. Writing as spiritual work. Writing to connect and commune with our ancestors. Putting it all into practice. Our academic work as an offering to our ancestors and as a means of healing generational trauma. 

Our courses are created to center the experience of women & femmes of color and/or those who are impacted by racialized,  gendered or other marginalized experiences.
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Your Mentors

Las Doctoras

Together Dr. Renee Lemus and Dr. Cristina Rose as Las Doctoras are acclaimed radical influencers, podcasters, writers, and Latina thought leaders. We are Creative Partners in the Las Dras Podcast, Book Club, Sacred Writing Course, and Saint Lunita Magazine.

We are reclaiming our ancestral cultures, creating spaces to heal from the generational trauma of white supremacist, patriarchal capitalism, while living into liberating practices.

Learn More about Las Dras

What participants are saying

"I had never heard out loud the need to heal from my experience of writing due to how some of my professors criticized my work. I hadn’t realized that this was one of the reasons that added to the imposter syndrome and why I stopped writing. This has opened up a part of me that will allow my voice to be heard again.”

— Deysi Zendejas Acuna, PsyD.

"The writing workshop was an intentional space that supported my creativity. The format was simple yet challenging. It allowed me to explore different parts of my upbringing and self that I had not considered before. Cristina and Renee were encouraging and incredible facilitators.”

— Evelia Ilarraz

"I just want to thank y’all for the writing to our ancestors workshop. I was able to finish and pass my qualifying exam because of how I changed my writing habits and approach. Thank y’all for everything!”

— Jenelle Nila

Contact Us

If you are interested in bringing this type of course or workshop to your university or institution, click below to fill our an inquiry form, and we will be in contact with you soon!

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