Ep.53- Mindful Homes with Anjie Cho: Understanding the Power of Feng Shui

Season #5

In this conversation we talk with Anjie Cho about how she has helped us to create better energy flow in our homes. She discussed her new book Mindful Homes: Create Healing Living Spaces with Mindfulness and Feng Shui. Learn more about Anjie: @anjiecho- https://www.instagram.com/anjiecho/ https://www.anjiecho.com/ Book- https://www.amazon.com/Mindful-Homes-Create-healing-mindfulness/dp/1800652119/ref=sr_1_1?crid=38MIG8ZZX67FI&keywords=Mindful+homes&qid=1679519233&s=books&sprefix=mindful+ho%2Cstripbooks%2C466&sr=1-1